Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Annunciation

Last week we read stories from Luke 1 and Matthew 1, of the angel Gabriel 's visit to the startled Mary, and of the angelic visit to the frightened Joseph in a dream . Here is some artwork depicting those events. At the top left is Leonardo DaVinci's portrayal of the visit to Mary. Below is a representation of the angel speaking to the fitfully sleeping Joseph in a dream, telling him not to fear.
In our discussion of the stories, we got in touch with the overwhelming nature of the events: Mary's initial response of "How can this be?"; Joseph's inclination to leave quietly. In each case, the power of God's promises fill them; they are inspired and encouraged. As scary as this new chapter of life seems, they trust God and draw close to one another. And the world is blessed!
What are your thoughts about the artwork? If you were to put yourself in Mary or Joseph's place, how would you imagine the scene to look and feel? If you were producing an artistic representation, what would your art look like? Is there something about the experience (a feeling, a choice) that you would like to communicate? Please be descriptive.

1 comment:

  1. When I imagin the angle coming to visit mary I don't see any of those pictures in my mind. I see a very pure light whight not an off white light.
