Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"If you love me, you will keep my commands. And I'll ask the Father, and he'll give you another Advocate (Helper), who'll be with you forever: the Spirit of Truth. The world can't accept the Spirit, because it doesn't perceive the Spirit or know the Spirit. You know the Spirit, because the Spirit is always with you--and the Spirit's going to be in you."
--John 14:15-17

On the last Wednesday in April, we talked about our understandings--and more importantly, our experiences, of the Holy Spirit.
We remembered that the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus "like a dove" at the time of his baptism. It was the Spirit that filled him and led him, first in the wilderness, and then deep into the full-fillment of his identity and ministry.
We also recalled the Easter story, when (on Easter evening) the risen Jesus enters the locked room where the disciples are still hiding in fear. He draws close to them, offers them the his Peace, then breathes on them saying, "Receive the Holy Spirit (John 20:22)."
The Spirit is the breath of God. The creation imagery from Genesis 2:7 has God breathe the breath of life into the human being; it is God's breath that makes the person alive.
Jesus also refers to the Spirit as being like the wind. It blows where God chooses, and though you can't see it with your eyes, you can see the things (and people!) that it moves.
When we are filled with God's Spirit we are inspired,
a word that means "breathe into."
The Spirit reveals the image of God in us: it is the Spirit of Imagination!
When Jesus is preparing to physically leave the disciples, he promises that the Spirit will be with them.

In discussing our understandings of the Spirit and how we realize its presence, we said that the Spirit:
--Inspires us to make right choices
--Stokes our imaginations.
--Helps us to be creative.
--Guides us.
--Broadens our view.
--Gives us hope.
--Frees us.
--Bridges distances between us.
--Joins us in Community.
--Comforts us.
--Surrounds us.
--Fills our emptiness.
--Gives us new energy.
--Offers us happiness and satisfaction.

The Spirit is:
--The Spirit of Teaching.
--The Spirit of Learning.
--The Spirit of Forgiveness.
--The Spirit of Generosity.
--The Helper.
--The Comforter.

This is a great start! Let's have each of us share more examples of the ways that the Spirit has done these things in our lives, and what we look forward to.


  1. I agree when it says the world doesn't accept the spirt, because the world doesn't know the spirit. I not sure if I inturrpeted it right but I got a very strong message. I think that in simpler words it's saying that if the world doesn't know somthing or understand it then we immediately reject it. Sometimes it's hard for people to accept somthing that is totally new to them

  2. I love the picture! It reminds me of Pentecost with the orange as the flames and the dove coming down, but as I reflect on it more I see Jesus Baptism of the heavens being "torn" apart and the dove ascending. The doves wings spread show me God's love and how he keeps us under his wings all the time and how he wraps himself around us with love. The Spirit is always moving us onto a new journey not as the world trys to move us, but as his LOVE moves us.

  3. I have always been what people would call “a free spirit.” And because of this, I have had an amazing life. But this also means I don’t really fit in anywhere. My life has been, for the most part very solitary.
    Now I am on my own with Lydia and I am finding that I need help. I have put myself in the path of the Spirit. The Spirit is helping me find my way. It keeps moving me to make connections. I am far from graceful. I am not very good at it, yet the Spirit keeps blowing me in places I don’t want to go – places where I am uncomfortable and I don’t know how to act or how to “be”. But I can see that slowly, slowly, the grace is coming. And it’s coming is wondrous.
    (and whoever commented above on the picture - WOW!)

  4. Pastor Scott I'm gonna miss you so much!!! This year was the best yet and I will pray and spread what I learned with you. I have so many feelings right now but I don't really know how to explain them all. But this year really helped me solve some of them and I know that now I can go to you or jess for anything. I also never really thought that I could ever know any one so much like I've known you this past year, and so fast!
    I will come back to say hi lots don't you worry pastor Scott I will stay on and with " the way"!
