Monday, April 19, 2010

Resurrection Life

Jesus said to him the third time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" --John 21:17

Last Wednesday evening we read the story from John 21 where the disciples encounter the risen Jesus on the lakeshore. After a fruitless night of fishing on their own, they make a great catch of fish following Jesus' direction. As they do so, they recognize their Master. No one is more excited than Peter, who still suffers inwardly from having denied Jesus three times after Jesus' arrest.
Jesus prepares breakfast for his beloved followers on
a charcoal fire. We might remember that when Peter denied Jesus three times in the high priest's courtyard, it was as he was warming himself by a charcoal fire. And the large catch of fish also reminds us of Luke Chapter 5, the calling of the first disciples, when Peter and his fishing partners gained a great catch of fish after entering the deep water with Jesus. John is suggesting that memory heralds possibility.
Rather than trying to forget his failure (which Peter can't do even when he tries), Jesus will join Peter in working through the painful history so that he (and they) can begin anew. Jesus asks Peter three times if he loves him. Peter responds yes three times--and he surely is telling the truth! Yet love didn't keep him from failing before. Jesus reminds Peter that love is something we DO (not just feel). He wants Peter to love Jesus' other "lambs" the way Jesus has loved Peter, to tend to their care, to nourish them spiritually. Loving Jesus means loving God's people!!! Imagine all that Peter will be able to teach others about love!! Peter will have learned from his own experience. Learning (especially from failure) is a big part of discipleship. God's love never fails, so even the painful lessons from our own lives become part of a larger story of fulfillment, community, and the victory of love over death!


  1. Personally, this and the the other story that has to do with fishing and the disciples are two of my favorite stories in all of the bible. I'm not sure why I like them so much but I think it has somthing to do with the fact that in both stories the disciples are obeying jesus's command and discovering/learning new and miracoulus things. I especially like in the first story when jesus turns fishermen into fishers of men.

  2. I can relate failure is the best way of learning to sports and school in baseball say u miss a ground ball now u know to stay down on it 4 next time. Say in school on a quiz u mess up u now know what to do on a test. Jesus relates to everyday things. Rhett Smith

  3. I'm so sorry that I Haven't sat in on a confirmand class!!!! I am so proud of all of you and after reading your comments and reflections I begin to appreciate your growth and devotion to your faith. No surprise here that I also fell in love with the art work that compliments each passage. THANK YOU for enriching my faith and for reminding me how fortunate we are to soon have you as official memmbers of our church!Miss Bon

  4. Although it is hard to deal with a failure when it is occuring and may feel disappointed in the way we initially handle it. Through our prayer and reflections we are able to see the lesson to be learned. Taking this "negative" experience and turoning it in to a chance to grow and learn is just one of the many gifts the Lord offers us in our lives. Keep an open mind to what may seem as mistakes and failures, for these are truly lessons in the life long relationship with God that all of you (and even us your mentors) will embrace to help our relationships grow.
    Gail H.

  5. I think it's really neat how Peter doesn't forget how he failed, but he and Jesus work through the failure together. I like how even though Peter most likely doesn't want to think about how he failed, he does go with Jesu for help. I know that when I feel like I have failed, I want to forget all about the incident...but sometimes it makes you feel better to talk about it with someone.

  6. I think that this story has alot to do with trust and faith, which are two very similiar words. The disciples trust this stranger that they see on the beach who they dont know to be jesus. And the disciples, after working hard all day only to catch nothing, decide to trust this man and cast the nets as he says. After catching all the fish, the faithful disciples realize that this man is jesus.

    Heath Majewski

  7. I have to say, I have thought about this story a lot. I can identify with Peter. I can remember being in high school and being friends with this one "outcast" girl. To this day, it still pains me that, when I was with another group of friends who thought she was a jerk and made fun of her, I went right along. I did not make fun of her, but I didn't stand up for her either. The look on her face was awful. She never talked to me much after that and I am still ashamed I behaved that way.
    In reading this story I wonder what if she had been a person who loves like Jesus - if she would have held my hand as he did Peter's and forgiven me and given me another chance. Who knows if I would have been able to overcome my shame - I was young, but what a chance! What a love! I want to be a person who loves like Jesus.

  8. It is true that the disciples trusted this stranger who told them to cast their nets again
    although they were tired from fishing all night.
    I wonder does God ask me or you to do something through a stranger and we fail to do it because we are too tired. I trust that the next time that happens to me that I remember this gospel story and respond in a positive way.
    Marie y

  9. I like what you said, Marie!

  10. I like the part about " Love is something we do not show" I think that to me it means that you should care for another.


  11. Wait Abbey - Pastor Scott wrote,

    "Jesus reminds Peter that love is something we DO (not just feel)."

    To me, he is saying love is an "action", something you do, not only feel.
    I love you, I feel it - that's the end? NO! My love is an action. My love will listen to you when you need to talk. My love will lift you up and hold you. My love watches you grow. It watches all the kids grow and become adults. My love feeds homeless people. My love talks to them. There have been times my love has marched in Washington!
    Abbey - you are a great human being. Let your love DO!

  12. P.S. Yes - care for one another for sure, AND show it!
