Friday, May 7, 2010

The Community of the Spirit

"All who believed were together and had all things in common . . ." --Acts 2:44

Acts 2:42-47 and Acts 4:32-35 describe a community of faith born of, and living in, the power of God's Spirit. We read the text together, then shared the qualities we perceive in the Community of the Spirit:

--worship together
--devoted to prayer
--devoted to learning
--eat together
--distribute possessions as any have need
(no "absolute" private property)
--whole community taken care of
--thankful ( a community that practices gratitude)
--committed to spreading the good news of God's love everywhere

These were characteristics of "The Way," which was what the early church was called. The Spirit of the Lord inspires and nourishes the community, making growth possible. An apostolic community witnesses to the resurrection power of our God!!

We were then challenged to identify ways in which St. Andrew's Church might be such a community. After a significant period of silence, these were offered:
--we worship together
--we pray and sing
--we share food (The Shared Table was specifically mentioned)
--we express thanksgiving
--we dedicate offerings
--we share joys and concerns
--we share the good news through preaching
--we bring friends (at least, we can!)
--we help others
--we grow in number and expand our ministry

It will be good for us to continue to add to this list, to offer imaginative suggestions, and share where we perceive--and feel--the Spirit of God moving in our community. And where does Christian Education, and lifelong growth in the Spirit, fit in?

On Wednesday evening, we went on to explore and discuss "gifts of the Spirit." We'll continue that exploration Sunday.
At the suggestion of a class member, we sang together the hymn, "They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love." An awesome way to conclude our session!

(above: Woodcut, Fellowship of Believers, Artist unknown)


  1. We also share our fagility with others. Building our faith means exploring who we are. Reviewing our strengths but also our weakness. Be not afraid to show where you are vulnerable for that is where God and your community of faith really shine to help us grow into the Christian God intends for us to be.

  2. When it says, "All who believed were together and had all things in common." I'm getting a conflicting message. When I read that verse I think that it's trying to say that everyone who beleives in God will be together in heaven and will be treated equal. Now here lies the question, what happens to the people that don't beleive in God? Doesn't it say somewhere in the bible that there is a spot for everyone in heaven and one day heaven will come to earth? God says he wants everyone to be at peace in his kingdom, but if only people who beleive in God can be there then everyone won't be in heaven. I understand what each statment is trying to portray but, why are they conflicting opinons. Is one right? Or are they both?

  3. This means that all who want to be with others will be with others and who do not belive dont have too. I think this is like God will be there for u and give u a second chance so that you do not ruin your live over 1 thing. It will all be good in the Kingdom of God -Rhett

  4. I like what rhett said about how you don't just get one chance then your done. If we would have just one chance then we all wouldn't be here.
