Friday, October 30, 2009

Different Images of Jesus

Here are some different artistic images of Jesus. One is from Ethiopia, another from China.The third is an icon of Jesus and his transfiguration. Which do you find most interesting?
Most of the artistic renderings of Jesus that we are familiar with are from Europe. Yet the historical Jesus was a Mediterranean Jewish man who lived in Galilee. How do you picture Jesus? What would "Jesus of Perkasie" look like?


  1. i think the one on the bottom is it seems cartoonish

  2. I think it depends on who you ask. I think he would lookfun and be humorous. Another person might say he looked serious and stern. So, it truly depends on who you ask.

  3. I picture Jesus much more modern and that could be because of my Confirmation Picture. He has a shorter beard and his hair is not long, but more like the length of mine.
    The one I like here actually is the one from China, probably because looks more traditional to me and he is with people in the picture. Jesus of Perkasie - I think he would look like Nick Mitchell with a go-tee (spelling?). A young looking guy who would be very modern!! Jeans, t-shirt, sneakers.

  4. they all look cool i like how we cam see jesus in other way

  5. I think Jesus would be very laid back if he lived right now

  6. Another thing is that we really dont know what he looked like, he could have been short and fat for all we know!
